Having effective leaders in the workplace is a gamer changer when it comes to the overall flow of your business. There are several aspects of being a good leader, but all are encompassed by a few specific attributes that are the core to being a great leader.
If you are looking to improve your leadership skills in the workplace to advance your career, or if you are currently a manager and want to improve your leadership skills, here are nine tips to help improve being a leader at your company.
Good Leaders Have a Vision
In order to be a successful leader, you have to know where you are leading your team to. This requires having a clear and solid vision of what you see for the future of your business, department, or your team. A vision spurs motivation and growth towards very specific goals. This could be sales oriented, customer service, or internally within the infrastructure of your company.
Good Leaders Communicate Effectively
Once you have a clear vision, you have to be able to effectively communicate this vision with your team. Through various mediums for your messaging, you want to ensure that you are being direct and easy to understand. Transparency in your communication also provides a level of trust with your employees which means they will be more willing to listen and implement your vision.
Good Leaders Show Appreciation to Their Employees
According to HRD Connect, around 79% of employees who quit end up leaving because they feel under appreciated. As a leader of a company, it’s important to acknowledge and show appreciation for the people you are supervising.
Many companies host annual award banquets for their employees. This is one our favorite leadership appreciation ideas. Not only does it give you an opportunity to highlight some of your extraordinary leaders, but it also is a great way for employees to connect outside of a typical workday by celebrating all of their hard work they have put in throughout the year.
Individual employees can be acknowledged with a personalized premium glass award made of 100% optical crystal. Each award is unique with hand-painted features. Every deep-etched design is made with absolute care, which your employees will notice when they receive their award.
Good Leaders Are Also Good Followers
Leaders never start out as leaders. They first have to be a follower, which isn’t as simple as it sounds. To be an effective leader, you need to spend time following other impactful leaders. Think of them as mentors. You can learn from them by asking for help or honest feedback for how you can improve.
Just as good leaders acknowledge their team, you can also acknowledge the great managers you have spent time learning from. You can do this with a letter of gratitude or by joining together with the rest of your team for a personlized gift for your boss.
Good Leaders Know How to Listen
Being a good follower also means you know how to collaborate well with others. However, this only happens when you learn how to listen. Any leader needs to know how to be a part of team to get things done effectively. By listening, you can learn about what can be improved within the business to get things done in an efficient manner.
Plus, it allows more room for creativity, innovation, and advancements you wouldn’t have thought of. This is because you are allowing the space for your employees to feel more comfortable to share their creative ideas since they know they will have a leader or a manger that will listen to them.
Good Leaders Are Constantly Training
You can never be an expert at anything unless you continue educating yourself. Becoming a good leader means you are constantly working on improving yourself as a leader through training seminars or courses. There are several that can be taken online or in-person that provides you ways to expand upon the knowledge and skills you already have adapted with new techniques that keep you up to date with industry trends.
For those who are looking to advance further into their career, leadership training can take you a long way. Proper training can help you:
- Manage emotions
- Improve communication skills
- Increase confidence
- Educate on how to build a team properly
- Develop conflict resolution skills
- Teach problem-solving tactics
Good Leaders Set the Bar Realistically High
We all know that to achieve goals, you have to set them. A good leader sets high expectations for the people they are supervising but knows what’s realistic and unattainable. They know what their team is capable of and have faith in the people they are leading or mentoring.
But a good leader knows not to set their team up for failure. This only disheartens their team and won’t motivate them to keep pushing towards the goal. It’s all about being able to motivate their team.
Good Leaders Think Outside the Box
Becoming a good leader isn’t about sticking to a clearly defined set of rules and expectations. While those are important because it provides consistency for the team, having too much rigidity doesn’t allow for innovative thinking. By allowing yourself along with the team you are leading to think outside of the box, you are making room for significant improvements within your company.
Good Leaders Know How To Say Thank You
With every leader is someone who is ultimately leading them. Good leaders know how to say thank you to the ones who are helping them learn more about all of the different tactics like thinking outside of the box, communication skills, or how to have a clear vision. Every year on October 16 is Boss Appreciation Day.
If you want to acknowledge your boss, why not with a Boss Day Appreciation gift? Remember, if order for you to see your company thrive, it’s essential to recognize the top leaders as it can encourage others to improve their leadership skills as well.