6 Things You Can Do to Fire up Your Real Estate Agents and Keep Them Motivated All Year Long

You have done all the groundwork, got the right tools, and set up the processes. You have also assigned roles to every agent, leads are flowing in, and you are close to achieving your annual goals. However, after some months, you realize an annoying trend – your real estate agents are unmotivated.

What could have possibly gone wrong? And what can you do to get your agents fired up again? When it comes to motivating a team, most brokers usually go for financial compensation. However, many real estate agents will not deliver the needed results, even when on high commission.

On the other hand, as a good business owner, you should know how to get the most out of your team even when you are not near them. That said, the following are some tried and tested ways to fire up your real estate agents and keep them that way all year long.

Give honest recognition

Everyone can tell when you are faking it and when you are honest. So it is not worth giving recognition to an agent just to check off a list.  Also, spontaneous compliments where you come out of nowhere and give your team a thank you might feel uninformed, last minute, and very impersonal. Therefore, it is your job to establish an environment to give your team recognition. The recognition you give must focus on what about their work was good.

Also, it will be best to give your team members recognition in the form of a personal note. Never wait for a significant achievement to do that. Instead, make it a habit to write personal letters to your agents to show appreciation for what they have achieved and show them that their contributions are valued.

Types of employee recognition

If you have seen the most common employee recognition given by some top businesses, you will know that they fall under two categories: structured and unstructured employee recognition.

Structured employee recognition

This is a more traditional approach whereby senior leaders appreciate their team members on behalf of the organization. These are referred to as structured since they are more ceremonial and official.

Examples are year of service awards where you can gift your agents custom real estate award trophies and plaques and employee of the month awards, where you recognize your top employees.

Some top agent recognition ideas can help you out. Besides, there are other crystal real estate award ideas to award your realtors.

Unstructured employee recognition

This is a moderately new recognition approach where you give frequent praises to your employees to make them feel more valued. Also, you can encourage your team to give one another recognition. Other forms of unstructured employee recognition are performance incentive programs where you have many real estate agent awards categories to choose from.

Guide them to success

Just like a coach can help their team win a game, you can coach your real estate agents and help them reach another level in their career and performance. And just because your team has a real estate license, it doesn’t mean that everything will be easy. You probably want to guide them if you want them to perform better.

Also, as a business owner, you are a great performing real estate agent yourself and the most experienced on your team. So, show your team some business secrets and consider introducing them to real estate mentors and leaders.

Spend more time with your team

How will you motivate your team if you don’t know them in the first place? Make sure that you know the thing that keeps them happy and motivated. Is it their families, or are they working hard to pay off a debt they have? Or are they trying to improve their career? Whatever motivation they have, they will be more inspired and productive if they think they will achieve it by working.

Engage them and make it a habit to have meetings with every team member. During the sessions, you can get to know them better. Talk to them about their goals and make sure they get the benefits that inspire them to keep working.

Connect goals to a purpose

Every employee has a charitable area where they want to invest their money and time. So, consider tapping into this by setting goals where the reward is getting the chance to donate money to their charitable cause.

As the business owner, you can consider setting aside a percentage of your overall profits towards philanthropic areas. This amount can then be broken into five percent raises. If the agents hit the goals simultaneously, the money is divided among them to donate to their causes. This will help you create a culture of giving back to the community and tying your agent’s work to their purpose.

Develop discipline

Your real estate agents notice every time you let a lousy agent go freely, and it kills their morale and motivation. Besides, why would they strive to push your business forward when they can get a similar treatment, benefits, and pay with the lousy agent?

So, try focusing on removing poor-performing workers and keeping the ones concentrated on pushing your company forward. That way, the other team members will take notice and work harder. Besides, your team will be more productive when surrounded by a group of optimistic, ambitious, hardworking, and self-driven individuals.

Team spirit

As much as your real estate agents have an internal motivation to thrive, there is always a massive advantage for you to nurture comradeship and team spirit. Remember that your team learns from one another and affects each other’s morale and productivity.

Therefore, make your meetings more motivational. Prolonged sessions spent evaluating each member’s books can do you less good. So, consider having representatives share their top winning secrets and their problems and have everyone engage in the discussion.

Also, try scheduling some hours on one afternoon for cheerful competition between your agents. Then give prizes with some value to make them motivated and feel like their efforts are valued.

Gift Your Real Estate Agents With Crystal Award Trophies and Plaques From DIY Awards

Keep your real estate agents motivated and on track with our beautiful crystal award trophies and plaques. Our personalized gifts are created with high-grade clear optical crystal and will go a long way in helping you to fire up your real estate agents and keep them motivated all year round.

Browse our extensive selection of real estate sales awards and trophies today to find the ideal gift for your real estate agents. Our real estate crystal plaques come in three different shapes, and they will make your employees feel appreciated.